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Unsere Trainer/Innen

Michael Topp

Michael Topp

Zu meiner Person

  • I was born in South Africa in 1979 and live in Austria with my South African wife and 2 highly energetic boys.
  • I love the great outdoors and enjoy living a healthy and sporty Lifestyle.

Aus- und Weiterbildung, berufliche Praxis

  • British Licensing Law
  • Business English Diploma for teaching English as a foreign language.

Einsatzbereich am WIFI

  • In company training for WIFI and their clients all over Carinthia.

Motivation in der Erwachsenenbildung zu arbeiten?

  • I find working with adults far more challenging and interesting than working with children and far less discipline is needed when coaching adults.

Mein Unterrichtsgeheimnis ist…

  • … well if I told you that it wouldn’t be a secret anymore but fun is the name of the game.

Lernen heißt für mich…

  • … keep moving forward in your own personal development and approach to the way you teach and train those around you.

Mich beeindruckt man durch…

  • … knowledgable and easy to understand explanations that enable everyone to learn.

Frühstück oder Abendessen?

  • At dinner I have more time to enjoy my food with my Family.